Salmon River/Lake Ontario Report published 31 August 2015
The Salmon river is running at 185 CFS until midnight tonight, then going to 335 CFS. There have been a few salmon spotted in the lower river, but no big push. Best bait has been blue egg sacs and olive woolly buggers.
The salmon are staging in front of the salmon river in 75-120 fow. Best lures have been the E.L hot tamale flasher with a crinkle green fly, glow green e-chip and ultra green glo fly, also a Pro-Troll Hammertime e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK hammer fly. If you like running cutbait, try a 11in pig pen paddle with a dreamweaver cut bait rig. A good spoon to try is the Michigan Stinger stingray black wiggler. When the sun comes up the Pro-Troll pig pen e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK Big Fin fly has been hot, also try a ProTroll Burke's Valium attractor with an A-TOM-MIK pro am fly. Try a magnum Michigan Stinger Sea Sick Waddler on 350-400 copper. Dipsy divers out 240-260 on a 2.5 setting, temperature is down 70-80 feet.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report