Salmon River /Lake Ontario Fishing Report published 28 August 2015
The Salmon River is running at 185 CFS. The best fishing has been at the sportmen's pool for smallmouth bass.The best baits to use are crabs and worms. Still no sign of Salmon in the river yet, other than an occasional single fish.
Salmon are being caught in 110-170 feet of water from Fair Haven all the way up to Sandy Pond. The best lures to use in the morning have been a green Pro Troll E-Chip attractor with an A-TOM-MIK crinkle green fly, also a Pro-Troll Hammertime e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK hammer fly. If you like running cutbait try a 11in pig pen paddle with dreamweaver cut bait rig.. A good spoon to try is the Michigan Stinger Blue Whale. When the sun comes up the Pro-Troll pig pen e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK Big Fin fly has been hot, Also try a ProTroll Burke's Valium attractor with an A-TOM-MIK pro am fly. Try a magnum Michigan Stinger Sea Sick Waddler on 400-450 coppers, Dipsy divers out 240-260 on a 2.5 setting, temperature is down 80-85.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report