Salmon River / Lake Ontario Report 9/9 published 09 September 2015
The Salmon river is running at 350 CFS. There has been a few kings spotted in the lower river from the town pool downstream. The best baits have been white egg sacs and egg sucking leeches. There are a few salmon in the river but not many. Hot sunny days and warm river water aren't helping, but we do have cooler temperatures and rain in the forecast starting Saturday. The river report is a 1 but should change any day now.
The salmon are now staging in near shore waters from 50 to 60 feet of water from Oswego to the Salmon River. These fish are moody, tend to be near the bottom, and go extended periods without biting. Put your time in and you should be rewarded with some short periods with lots of action. The best lures have been the puerto rican with a crinkle green fly, glow green e-chip and ultra green glo fly, also a Pro-Troll chrome blue bubble e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK hammer fly. If you like running cutbait, try a 11in pig pen paddle with a Dreamweaver cut bait rig. A good spoon to try is the Michigan Stinger Stingray yellow wiggler. Jplugs will also be a good choice now,run them down the middle stretched back behind the rest of your spread. When the sun comes up try the Pro-Troll pig pen e-chip with an A-TOM-MIK pro am fly, also try a ProTroll Burke's Valium attractor with an A-TOM-MIK pro am fly. Your other option is to go out deep for Steelhead and next years Kings.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report