Salmon River and Lake Ontario Reports published 14 September 2014
Yesterday was rainy and cold but not many fish. So far today reports are about the same with just a few fish spread throughout the river. Moving around still seems to be the best way to go with the limited amount of fish in the Salmon River right now. Have patience they will be here soon as this seems to be shaping up to be the same as a similar pattern we had a few years ago when it was late September before the flood gates opened and we had them all at once.Today's high is expected to hit 57 degrees and a low tonight of 41. The water flow remains at 350 CFS until midnight Monday 9/15 and the river temperature is down to 59 degrees. The river today is a 1 on our scale.
Fisherman are back out on Lake Ontario after the blow and continue to catch Kings. The Lake is a 4 on our scale.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report