Salmon River Fishing Report 10/26/20 published 26 October 2020
It was another busy weekend on the river with lots of kings, steelhead, and coho being caught by anglers throughout the river with sporadic browns and even a couple big atlantics. For the most part it was a classic example of location. No matter where you were you had some action, but if you were in the right place at the right time you had a lot of action. Temperatures started out at a record high friday pushing into the 80s, but by the time the sun came up on Sunday it was down into the 30s. For a look at the recent fish caught you can check out our Facebook Page or our Instagram Account where we share multiple posts daily. Hot bait continues to be egg sucking leech flies or red estaz.
Steelhead fishing continues to be really good, one of the best early runs in recent memory. The above average temperatures have made it fun but also incredibly challenging as they are wound for sound, big, and very hard to land.
Smallmouth fishing continues to be the best it has been all year not only here in Pulaski but the entire eastern basin of Lake Ontario, Oneida Lake, and Lake Erie. The Douglas Big Money tournament on Lake Erie had a winning weight of just a couple ounces under 30lbs! Blade baits are particularly effective right now.
The increased water from the big rain storm last week has been a much needed blessing but we still need more. Here are our hours for the week, 10 day forecast is below:
Mon-Thu 4:30am - 8pm
Friday: 4am - 10pm
Saturday 4am - 9pm
Sunday 4:30am - 8pm
Click the image for an up to the minute forecast from Weather Underground.
Dam Release : 185 CFS
Pineville Gauge: 286 CFS

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report