Salmon River Report 10/22 published 22 October 2015
The fishing was much improved today with excellent Steelhead catches in town. Some fresh Kings were also reported coming into the DSR this morning along with more Steelhead. The fly zones have lots of fish in them as well. Look for more Kings in the upper half of the river and more Steelhead in the bottom half. The water flow continues at 350 CFS until midnight tonight, and the weather forecast looks good for the weekend with highs in the 50's.
These Steelhead were caught above the Bridge right in town this morning.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report