Salmon River Report published 03 October 2014
Today was better than yesterday for most people we spoke with especially those who fished the upper DSR. It was sunny with a high of 75 degrees today. The rain is on the way and should be here around midnight with tomorrow's high not expected to get out of the 50's. We seem to be seeing a slow but steady improvement in the fishing with at least a few good spots on the river each day. Maybe the rain will bring us enough fish to get consistent fishing on the whole river. The smaller tribs are getting fish so that's an option if the main river is to crowded for your liking.The deeper pools continue to produce the best after the first hour or so in the morning. The water flow remains at 350 CFS until midnight Saturday10/4.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report