Lake Ontario and Salmon River Report published 28 August 2014
Lake Ontario is starting to give up her Salmon in good numbers all along the south,and eastern shores. Kings are being caught in 50'-60' of water off both the Salmon River and outside the Oswego River. Both e-chips and Spin Doctors with the new UV A-Tom-Mik flies are catching lots of fish. The Salmon River continues to see a few fish enter the river but no reports of a major run yet. Cooler nights like tonight along with rain forecast for Sunday maybe the trigger we need to bring in the first good run of Kings for the season. Water flow on the Salmon River is at 750 CFS until midnight Tuesday September 2nd. The Lake is a 4 with the river being a 1 or maybe a 2.

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report