G Loomis Center Pin Rods
Center pin rods & reels are not a new concept or technique, but they are new to today's angler. The theory behind the technique is a drag-free drift, whether you're fishing bait on the bottom or suspending bait or jigs beneath a float. The reels, extremely smooth single-action models, resemble fly reels and have clicker drag systems to help prevent free-spooling. They have rimmed spools so the anglers can apply the necessary drag by palming the spool. The technique requires a long, light, responsive rod. The older versions were tip-heavy and that made them tiresome to fish. You would spend your entire day trying to keep that tip in a positive, upright position, all the while trying to concentrate on the bite, while battling that tip-heavy, uncomfortable feeling. That's where G.Loomis and GLX come into play. We not only can make them longer, more responsive and dynamically lighter, but we've shifted the weight towards the butt-section of the rod . We use a blend of composite and species cork in the handle to help maintain a delicate balance at the angler's end of the rod and split rings so you can position your reel where you want it. Add to that Recoil (nickel-titanium) guides that are about half the weight of standard guides and these rods create a pronounced Wow!! It's what we do and what you've come to expect!
Specifications:Fat Nancy's Fishing Scale & River Report

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