G Loomis IMX Float Rods
The theory behind the Center-Pin technique is a drag-free drift, whether you’re fishing bait on the bottom or suspending bait or jigs beneath a float. The reels, extremely smooth single-action models, resemble fly reels and have clicker drag systems to help prevent the line from over-running. They have rimmed spools so the anglers can apply the necessary drag by palming the spool. The technique requires a long, light, responsive rod. The older versions were tip-heavy and that made them tiresome to fish. That’s where IMX comes into play. We can make them long, responsive and dramatically lighter, not to mention better balanced. Rather than use a fixed position reel seat, we provide rings so you can position your reel where you want it. The beauty of center pin fishing is that it’s simplistic in the approach and it doesn’t matter if you are a bait angler, lure angler or fly angler. It’s a nice traditional approach to fishing and when the fly waters are too high or even a little off color, the center pin system can not only save the day, but can be a peaceful, pleasurable experience
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