River Report: 10/02/22 published 02 October 2022
What an incredible 5 days we've had here in Pulaski! What started Wednesday as near flood-stage. conditions of almost 2,000cfs resulted in a ton of fish pouring into the river! This made wading dangerous for some, but for those who were able to stay shallow or on the banks the fishing was the best it has been all year.
Now the water has receded to a more average level for this time of year (500cfs at the dam and 670 at Pineville) and the upper river is absolutely on fire. This run of fish has caused a lot of people to ask if the run is over, and the answer to that is absolutely not. Rochester, Oz, Orwell, and Pulaski are all fishing incredibly well right now.
While the estuary and lower river aren't as hot as they were last week there are still fish coming in and we expect a few more waves of fish to come over the next several weeks. Columbus Day Weekend (historically) has been very good for kings, and the entire month of October is a great time to get some colorful coho, huge brown trout, and the first wave of steelhead should arrive.
Our store hours are changing weekly, but we generally are open early and close late. Continue to watch our livestream cameras, as the action on them has been incredible!
Also, it seems odd to have to say this, but we would like to point out that in no way do the number of photos of fish that we post in these reports in any way represent the number of fish in the river. If we post 5 pictures, you can be sure there are more than 5 fish in the river.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the shop and on the river!

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report