Salmon River Report 9/30 published 30 September 2015
The fishing on the Salmon River continues to improve with the third straight day of Salmon pushing through the lower end of the DSR through the Blackhole and up into town. Today's push seemed to be about 70% Coho's and 30% Kings, not a monster run but a good amount of fish. We had lots of rain overnight with more this morning, along with much cooler temperatures. Fish from the last few days are starting to make their way upstream, which has increased the action for fisherman not fishing the DSR. The town pool was very active today with lots of hookups. Fish can be found from top to bottom right now with the largest concentrations from the 2A bridge downstream. The river flow continues at 350 CFS until midnight tonight, with it being around 500 CFS below Pineville due to run off. Large bodied flies and egg sacs are good choices for salmon right now. Both fly sections on the river are also producing action with a mix of Salmon and Trout. Look for continued improvement in the amount of fish in the river over the next few weeks.

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FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report