Fat Nancy's 7TH Annual Big Fish Friday Shootout published 16 June 2014
Date: "PRE-FISH FRIDAY, OSWEGO PRO/AM" July 11th, 2014
3 Fish Entry fee $100.00, Big Fish Entry $20 - cash only
*Sign ups are available now.
*Registration deadline: July 11th by 6:00 a.m.
*The 1st 40 boats to enter the 3 Fish tournament will receive a prize package.
* You can enter either the 3 Fish, the Big Fish, or both.
*You do not need to be fishing the Oswego Pro/Am to enter
*Trout and Salmon allowed, NY State laws in effect, illegal fish will disqualify your team.
*Observers are not needed and there are no age limits for this event
*3 heaviest fish, total weight only, no 10 points per fish, no more than 3 fish in cooler allowed at weigh-in
*If you’re entered in the Big Fish it will be the weight of your one biggest fish.
*Weigh-in starts at Noon at the Pro-AM weigh-in site
*You must be in line with your fish by 3:00 p.m., absolutely no later
*Fish must be caught on the day of the event.
*No altering of fish in any way or your team will be disqualified.
*Fish must be weighed at Oswego, boats need to conclude their fishing day out of Oswego, or the Little Salmon River.
*You do not need to be present to win, however it is at your discretion to make your presence known to get paid.
*You must take care of your fish after weigh-in by legal means.
*Participants must have registration at weigh-in no exceptions.
*Fish will have gill plate punched at check-in.
* Payouts will take place as soon as possible after the 3 pm deadline.
*A minimum of 5 places will be paid.
*Based on 40 entrants this would be the payout: 1) 1500.00, 2) 800.00, 3)700.00, 4)600.00, 5)400.00
*Biggest Fish Payout will be paid 100% to the biggest fish.You can enter one or both contests.
*Pay-Out base will change depending on number of teams entered, but 100% will be paid out.
*Blow off discretion of Fat Nancy’s, if you have a question about a blow off please call ( 315-391-8079) Tom Burke or (315-569-3958) Rob Ripka
*Boat size will be limited to a minimum length of 18 ft (Pro/Am official rules)
*Any rules that are not followed will result in disqualification
This 7TH annual event is brought to you by: Fat Nancy's Tackle Shop
You can enter at Fat Nancy's

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

on orders over $100 (Fishing rods, trolling weights, and electronics not included)

FlowCast© Report for the Salmon River at Brookfield Renewable Power's Lighthouse Hill Dam, Altmar, NY.
See Report